Single Parents

hasnt sunk in for dad to be yet... advice?

I am 13 weeks now and I told him when I was 5 and since then we have talked about it but not very much- everytime i ask him a question he blows me off. its like he is hoping im not until we get "conformation" from the doc. which we go to for the first appointment on thursday. About 2 weeks after i told him he came over to talk and he is afraid because he doesnt want to pay child support and he wants 50/50 custody but i dont know how i feel about that since he hasnt been there for me since i told him. we were not together at the time nor are we now. its like pulling teeth to get him to talk to me and hang out like we used to. about 2 weeks ago he came over to "hang out" but it was all baby talk, but he asked me a question taht really kinda upset me- he said " would you be willing to take a preg test - with the doc cancellation my mom wants proof" - i just said sure no problem and just blew it off. but the more i think about it, it upset me that he wouldnt take my word for it. and then he left.- I was supposed to have a doc appt on may 11th but when i got there they told me my insurance was inactive- so i have been going through hoops to get to the appointment for this week. since the day i told him he said he wants to go to appointments and be there, but his actions are saying something else. we have talked about names but im stuck on last names. I feel like he is not putting any effort in and the baby doesnt deserve his last name. since he has time to go out and hangout with other people but he cant respond to my texts or even send me a text it is really stressing me out. I got a letter this week from the state for info on the father and i asked him and it needs to be out like asap and he is dragging his feet on it. its really making me mad. O-Yeah i forgot- we havnt met each others families yet and i dont want to let someone i dont know watch my child. I need help??? what do i do? sorry i know its alot but im so confused - first time poster :) Thanks
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