Single Parents

is anyone familiar with tx laws?

I found out I was pregnant in april. I had broken up with the BD in february. He was lying and going behind my back and becoming abusive. He had always been abusive emotionally but that was when he had a bad day and I was just who he took it out on and it wasnt all the time. But recently he had started throwing my things at me when we fought and slammed my foot in my car door. When I found out I was pregnant, he wanted to get back together. I did not. I left him for good reasons and a baby wouldnt fix or change anything. He made many threats, from suicide, to taking my baby from me after he/she was born. He has said he wants nothing to do with me or the baby and wants no visitation and doesnt want to pay child support. I am perfectly content with this, but I want it in writing. I dont want him to change his mind two weeks, two years, five years down the road and wants to be in the baby's life. I was told by a friend that he cant sign his rights over in texas without having someone ready to adopt in his place. Is anyone familiar with tx laws? I would rather not go to court and just get everything in writing and notarized.
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