
scalding milk question

So my LO won't eat any of my frozen milk (which makes me cry because I had about 100 oz of frozen milk before I realized this issue).  I've read that some babies refuse frozen milk due to excess lipase and that a solution to that is to scald the milk before freezing it.  

I had a hard time finding really clear instructions on how to do this, so I just took some of my milk, put it in a pan and heated it up until the outsides started to bubble.  Then I took it off the heat and as I was putting it in the freezer bags to store, I noticed that the milk had a really strong smell to it.  The milk is only 4 days old, so I know it's not bad milk, and I was just wondering whether it was normal for scalded milk to have a bad smell to it.  Now I'm all worried I ruined my milk by scalding it wrong.  

 Any advice from anyone who has to scald their milk because of excess lipase?  Does it smell strange after you've scalded it?  Is it just because it's hot?  Any easy way to tell when you've heated the milk enough?  

I never had this issue with my son.  He would take my milk hot, cold, frozen, whatever, so this is all new to me!!!   TIA!!!! 

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