1st Trimester

Food aversions....uhhhgg!

Anyone else having massive food aversions? Nothing sounds good to me except Mexican and spicy food, which will only end up causing horrible heartburn! I went to the store today and bought saltines and ginger ale? My nausea is so much worse with this pregnancy, so hopefully that's a good sign!
Daisypath Anniversary tickers BFP #1 February 18th, 2012, First U/S March 5th, 2012, threatened miscarriage, Confirmed miscarriage (no fetal heartbeat) March 13th, 2012, D&C March 14th, 2012 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Cycle #1 Post-Miscarriage : May 11, 2012 BFP! EDD: January 18, 2013 BabyFetus Ticker
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