Single Parents

Emergency Custody and all that junk.. (Ohio)

DS's father and I are not together. DS is going to be a week old tomorrow.. We are getting along and being civil.. We do not have a court set visitation schedule at this point but I allow BD to visit DS whenever he wants.. BD is not listed on DS's birth certificate  but he said he is going to go to child support and request DNA so that he can be put on there.. (They require the DNA to add).. I'm a little lost with everything.. I know if the state orders something I can't really go against it (correct me if I'm wrong.. I'm new to this and struggling for advice.) but it kind of worries me..


Anyways.. BD wants to take DS for the 4th of July for the day because his family is having a cook out.. And I know that DS needs some bonding time with BD.. But I'm scared to death that BD is going to get DS and then call and say that I abandoned him and make up a horrendous lie to get emergency custody.. I want to be fair but I don't want to chance anything especially having the baby taken.. I know that I was told that Ohio is a maternal state and that no court will award a father sole custody unless the mom is way bad off.. And I'm not. I'm kind of spinning in a circle right now and need some advice from some of you ladies who have been through this.. Where do I start? What can I do? Is there anything I can do to prevent the chance of having the baby taken like that? I'm just completely worried and upset at the whole idea of having my son ripped away from me. Words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

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