1st Trimester

Vent: Sick over water

Ugh, DH just opened our most recent water bill, and with it was a letter saying that basically, they were unable to meet the EPA's guidelines for mercury containment, and were granted a variance of 7 times the legal limit into our drinking water!!  I feel sick right now.  We use tap water for everything - my 3 year old and I guzzle it like it's going out of style.

Like I didn't have enough anxiety about this pregnancy...  We're buying a Brita filter today, but still!

TTC #2 since 2/2010 DX PCOS BFP #1 4/1/08, DD born 12/5/08 BFP #2 2/3/12, m/c 2/14/12 BFP #3 4/27/12 EDD 12/31/12 Hoping for a sticky baby! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Minus the shed, perfect pic web
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