
Pumping and BFing at the same time. Tips?

I need to increase my pumping output and have been thinking of pumping one side while DD nurses the other for her first feed of the day. Currently on weekend mornings I nurse on one side then hand her over to DH while I pump the other. I can usually get 3 ounces this way, sometimes 4. While this works well for the weekend I'd love to get some of this milk during the week, but it would take too long. Right now I use my Harmony at home, but I have a PISA.

 Iknow I would need to get the pump ready, latch DD, then pump. But what holds work well for this? I'm envisioning balancing DD, the pump shield, and adjusting the suction level.

Also I'm wondering about time management with then having to pack my pump up to take to work. I do have spare connectors and such.


DD born January 2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image
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