
10 minutes and out like a light!

I am quite sleep deprived so I apologize in advance if my post is rambling!  I'm just looking for some advice.

My LO is just 3 days old.  He took to breastfeeding like a champ in the first few days - latched right on and was having 30-40 minute feedings (about 15-20 on each breast) and he's been very alert since day 1 (though I know this is not the "norm" for newborns).  Yesterday he seemed insatiable and was feeding A LOT and was very fussy but still very alert.   When my milk came in today he seemed much happier but at the same time he has seemed much more tired.  He wakes up hungry and then is asleep after maybe 10 minutes on one breast.   Try as I might, I can't wake him up enough to latch back on and keep feeding.  He's feeding every two hours or so but only for 10 minutes on one breast.

Everything I'm reading is telling me that I should be making sure to get 10 minutes on each breast to help my supply come in.  The pediatrician at the hospital also told me to call if he seemed too lethargic to eat - he's not too lethargic to BEGIN eating but he's not getting good sessions, so I'm not sure if I should be concerned.

Any thoughts or advice would be welcomed!  

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