Dads & Dads-to-be

Saving money?

Guess I'll try my first thread here...  As I stated in my intro, my one major concern/worry is not being able to financially support a child.  I'm not the least bit concerned about being good parents, at least not my wife.  I'll probably screw the kid up six ways from Sunday, but my wife will be a great mom.  

 So, having said that, I was looking to see if any of you other dads or dads to be have any interesting ways of saving money or savings plans that have been successful?  I'm interested in learning new ways to save money.  The idea of paying for a baby is awfully daunting, so any advice or suggestions are welcome.

 I'll share the one thing my wife and I do.  We pay for everything in cash (other than bills), so whenever we pay for something we take any five dollar bill we get in change and set it aside as baby money.  We'd been doing this with ones already and using the saved up ones for gas whenever we drove to visit family.  Now we also are doing it with fives.  It's pretty frustrating when you buy something for 4 bucks and only have a 20, and get three fives back, knowing that 4 dollar item just cost you 20 lol.  On the other hand, we save around 100 a month and have used that to buy almost every big-ticket item we need.  It feels good when we can go buy a stroller or pack and play or swing or whatever and it be money you have already written off.  It's also forced us to tighten up what we spend since we have less left each pay period due to the fives being written off.

 Anyway, that's what we do, now what you guys got?  We can use all the help we can get with ideas on how to save! 

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