
*Amy* and anyone with bariatric surgery knowledge

How dumb would it be to have lap band 4 months before I plan to wean? If i have the surgery in 2012 it would basically be free to me since we have already met out insurance Oop max. If i wait until 2013 it would cost $6000. I have at least 150 pounds to lose. I was thinking that with the band i could have it loose while i finish nursing and then tighten it up after baby's birthday. Is drastic weightloss harmful to a bf baby...assuming my supply doesnt tank? I need to get my health in order...the sooner the better.
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
TTC #1 13 cycles, CP 6/09, TTC #2 1 cycle
CDing, EP'd for 13 months for #1, BFing for #2
Pregnancy Hypertension - inductions at 39w, I grow big babies: DD was 9 pounds 1 ounce 22 inches, DS was 11 pounds even 22 inches - both vaginal deliveries
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