
Baby's First Appointment Day's After C-Section...

I met with a pediatrician today and they told me that they like to see you immediately after. My c-section is scheduled for June 27th and his first appointment is scheduled for the following Monday on July 2nd. My husband just assumed I wasn't going and said, "I guess it'll be my Mom and I." am I wrong to think he's absolutely insane to think I would miss the babies first appointment?! Do you think it'll be that big of a deal??? You think I told the guy I was running a ten mile run!!! I know he's just concerned...but no one could keep me from that appointment!! Thoughts?
Late twin loss at 19 weeks on September 24, 2010. Lincoln Perry, my rainbow baby, born June 15, 2012. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalms 139:13 Baby Birthday  Ticker Ticker
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