1st Trimester

How edit signature? help

Might be silly question, but how do you center text in signature and change color, bold, or italics? Does not give me any options, and does not accept pasting it from Word!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me: 33 DH: 34 ~ Dx: MFI ~ Wedding/TTC: 2008 2010: 3 rounds Clomid- BFNs ~ 2011: 2 IUIs BFNs Jan 2012: IVF/ICSI #1 Protocol: Gonal F, Luveris, Prometrium U/s: 50 follicles ~ Jan 19: ER, 27 oocytes, 19 fertilized, 8 embryos cryopreserved at d5+6 ~ No fresh transfer due to OHSS May 2012: FET #1 Protocol: Suprefact, ASA, Estrace, Prometrium May 14: Assisted hatching & transfer of 2 d5 AA & AB embies May 19: HPTs 4dp5dt BFP! Yaaaay! May 23: beta #1 @ 9dpt5dt 406 May 27: beta #2 @ 13dp5dt 2093 June 13: 1st u/s... ~ EDD: 30 Jan 2013! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt13b6ab.aspx" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"
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