1st Trimester

Drs Office Rant (L-O-N-G!!!!!)

So I am ranting a bit here.  Thanks for reading if you do.

I found out I was pregnant weeks in between leaving my leaving my job and canceling with my employers insurance plan and the active date for for my jobs new insurance.  The family was added to DH employers insurance in the mean time which is very similiar to state care (IMO).   I set an appointment and was seen promptly by the office nurse who was young but very nice and examined by the Dr who looked as though she hated her life.  I was told by the Dr that I could call back for the test results in 2 business days, when I did I couldn't get results I was told that I had to come in for an appointment again for them. 

Two weeks later I was finally granted an appointment and it was confirmed I was pregnant and I was told I have a bacterial infection.  I was told that there was no treatment for the infection during my pregnancy, from my research on TheBump I find that not to be true.  I was given a referral for my dating ultrasound and told to come back in a month.  I went to the u/s the following week and was told by the technician that she could see 2 sacs 2 yolks and only one heartbeat.  She said because I was only measuring about 6 weeks and the position of the second sac I could be carring twins and the other is just hard to see or I could be experienceing the vanishing twin thing.  But she would recommend that I come back in a week to have another done to see if there is any progress.   I called my Dr for another referral based on what the tech saw and she says "its best to let nature take its course we will wait until your appointment in 3 weeks to see if you are measuring different before I send you back."  No matter what I asked she refused. 

So three weeks later on Wednesday May 16, I call to change my appt from Thursday May 17 at 12 to Friday May 18 at 12 (easy enough, right?)  The change was confirmed and the next day (the 17th) I get a call saying that the office is moving an all appointments are cancelled until after June 1 (the day my new jobs insurance kicks in).  Somehow nobody in the office knew that the office was closing.  I explained to the person on the phone my situation and she tells me the  nurse will give me a call back.  Two days later after 5 voicemails left for her I get a return call from the nurse asking me for my birthdate.  Not sure how they don't have that when I had been seen by them twice and they have my records that I hand delivered.

I called the insurance company to see if I could select a different Dr and was told that for my area she was my only option.  I offered to travel to another area and was told that none of that would be covered and I would be paying fully out of pocket upfront.  I am so upset about this.  My oldest was high risk pregnancy and I was in active labor from December 10th to january 5th when he was born. (He was due 2/23)  I can only imagine what would have happened if I was the scared new mom I was then or if I did not have the option to change Insurance carriers.  So here I am 13 weeks and 4 days pregnant in maternity clothes wondering if I am carrying twins and if the bacterial infection has cleared itself up.  Just wanted to tell my story thanks for reading if you made it.

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