
XP on April 2012- 7 week old eating every 1-2 hrs?!

Hi everyone,For the last week or so my 7 week old has been eating every hour to two hours. At first I chalked it up to the 6 week growth spurt, now a week later, I'm not so sure. He has plenty of wet/ soiled diapers, but I'm beginning to wonder if he is getting enough. I EBF and occasionally DH will give him a pumped bottle. I feed on demand for as long as he wants. He has been falling asleep almost every time (cat naps) so maybe that's the cause?! I should also mention that most nights he does have a 5 hr stretch and then another 3 hr stretch, so these frequent feedings are ate morning/ early afternoon until bedtime around 8:30. Should I be concerned or try anything? 
Charles Edward 4/13/12 9 lbs 2 oz 22 & 3/4 inches Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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