
what's the soonest you'd move after a c/s?

We're moving from WI to CO asap after this baby (scheduled c/s #3).  My c/s is set for August 31.  We'll be living in a temporary house between the closing of our current house in mid-Aug and moving to our new house in CO, so I know we'll be really eager to get off and settled- it's going to be a long month or so for the kids without all of their toys and things! 

I talked to my OB today and he said anytime after 3-4 weeks would probably be fine.  I've healed really quickly and easily before and felt pretty much normal by 2 weeks out.  I won't have much to do with the actual move - we'll have movers pack up our current house and take the stuff out to CO, DH and my brother will drive our cars, my mom will fly with the kids and me.  So it would basically just be the travel and forcing myself to take it easy at the new place surrounded by boxes.

Sooo....experienced c/s mamas, how soon do you think you would've been up for a move?  I'm shooting for 3 weeks and fully aware it will probably be total chaos.  Just curious what you all think!

the bug & bee blog
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
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