1st Trimester

When does it end?! *Symptom Rant*

I work in a office of men and i don't have any girlfriends or female family in my area so Im taking advantage of the board to get my ranting/venting out. Thank you in advance if you read it or not.  

Oh man last night was the worst night so far of this first trimester! M/S hits me really hard in the evening, it doesnt let up until I manage to fall asleep, last night I actually sat on my couch and cried because I was so sick :( I don't throw up though! I just have the nausea! So I knew that was one thing I would experience being prego.... NO ONE TOLD ME MY HAIR WOULD START FALLING OUT! OMG its so gross!! Im bloated! Im farty! Im burpy! Ugh! I know it will all be worth it in the end though. I don't even look prego, just fat/bloated! I can't sleep at night so i sleep on my desk at work when I can. Do I have to deal with this for the next 6 months?? Or will it end soon??

End Rant

BabyFetus Ticker Labor buddy to LaceAndLilies
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