

I am currently pregnant, BFing, and working full time.  It's always been a challenge to keep up with LO's bottles, but I always seemed to have just enough.  Since I have gotten pregnant, it has been even more of a challenge.  I just used my last bottle of freezer milk this morning and at this point I have no extra if I come up short.

LO always seems to be just a little bit extra hungry at bedtime and often won't settle down until he gets an extra 3 or so ounces in a bottle.  This is usually milk that has been earmarked for the morning which is why I have been using freezer milk.  I teach, so I can ditch the pump in about 2 weeks once school is out, but I still feel like I am going to come up short at night.  The kid is refusing most solids as well which throws a whole other problem into the mix.

I am thinking of adding a formula bottle at night after I have nursed, but the whole situation just makes me sad.  We are sooooo close to a year and I am actually afraid he won't even drink the formula.  Why is this so hard?  I'm totally beating myself up over this. UGH!

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