
Moms of big babies... When will feedings space out?

My son was born at 10 lbs 3 oz and is now 14 lbs so he is gaining well. He is eating every 2 hrs during the day though (3 to 3:30 at night) and it comes down to 45 min naps in between... When will he start to space feedings out? 

 For a week he ate every three hours during the day and 4 hrs at night... That was wonderful and I'd love to get back to that.

I should mention that he eats for about 10  to 15 min (5-8 on one side and the remaining on the other). He has decreased the amount of time he spends nursing but if I keep trying to put him back to the breast he complains and pushes away. He seems happy and has no hunger cues plus the weight gain is good so I think he's getting plenty. 

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