1st Trimester

Hello, I am inneed of help BIG TIME and dont know where to go!

Hello, I really need some help! I believe i might be pregnant but I am not sure. We had unprotected sex May 4th, and everything was great, until it was time for my monthly period the 29th, nothen. No symptoms at all, until the 28th. We have not had sex since the 4th. On the 28th, out of no where, I became extremely tired, to the point where I. feel asleep on my moms patio furniture. And the came headachs. The next day (29th) I woke up to severe cramps, I have not had such horrible cramping ever, breast slightly hurt, could not stop eating, it was crazy how much, and and lumps in my throat. Wensday was a better, until around 3 to 5 in the morning, I maybe peed 12 times, after drinking nothening... and I had slight nausea. And today, moody with nausea, and fatique. I probably take a nap a day, and I doze off anywhere. My period has been on cue this whole year, ive been a little stressed, but not badly. I took one pregnancy test yesterday, in the morning, and it came back negative right away. Should I test again, or go to planned parenthood? No insurence, so thats why planned parenthood. Any advice, concerns or input is welcome! :) Not too bloated, and boobs are normal besides slight pain. And my symptoms come and go? Very confusing! Thanks :)
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