1st Trimester

How come everyone sees their baby before me???

I am bummed because besides the intro clinic visit where you pee in a cup (which I did at 4 weeks) I have to wait until the end of june for our first appointment!   I will be almost 12 weeks before I even get a chance to hear the little bug's heartbeat! 

I am so jealous that so many people get to at least see/hear the heartbeat earlier because it would really help me feel like this is real.  Also, we are hesitant to tell anyone before we hear the heartbeat so we have to wait forever!  Sorry for the vent, I found out early (3w4d) so I feel like it is forever away. 

Anyone else in the waiting-forever-to-see-if there-is-even-a-baby-in-there boat???

BabyFruit Ticker
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