

Dd is 6 months old and has been Ebf so far. Lately she has started pulling on my nipple while pushing my boob in the opposite direction and if I move her hand away to stop the pushing she gets mad and unlatches. She also feels she must pinch the other side of my boob with her other hand and again gets mad if I won't let her. I want to keep bf but my boobs hurt dang it! She has started unlatching if there is any other noise or distraction and I'm getting sore.  I pump occasionally so I feel like there is still a good supply based on the amounts I'm pumping. She's been on some solids for about a month and rarely gets a bottle, maybe one a week at most. I've tried giving her a blanket to hold while she nurses but no luck. 

Cloth diapering, VBAC, BF & FF, AP momma to two 2 and under. Special needs - DS born with clubfoot and diastrophic dysplasia (dwarfism)
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