
Horribly Leaking BBs and Only 26 weeks PG...

So for the last few days my left boob has not stopped leaking. I'm only 26 weeks pregnant.
Should I invest in nursing bras and pads already?
Does this mean I will have an oversupply in my left boob?

I'm a FTM and I've looked up quite a bit about breastfeeding, but most people I talk to about leaking BBs never had experience with it. I have been putting a wash cloth in my sports bra to keep from leaking through to my shirt (Like it did yesterday). TIA

BFP 12/28/2011! (My dad's birthday) ~Excited for baby #1~ 09/02/12 ~ Lukas Grady! 7 lbs., 15 oz., 21.5 inches long!
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