
xp: At a loss.

I am at a loss anymore. I think my milk makes my baby miserable.I FF my oldest and he was very happy and content during the times he was awake, I was able to put him down on his play mat or in his swing.  He did have a fussy period at night, but it was short lived. With my DD she is miserable 95% of the time she is awake. I feed her, burp her & change her diaper, then if I go to put her down= WAHHHH!!! I can't put her down when she's like this. She just wants to be held. I notice during these periods of fussiness she spits up what looks like milk curds. Nothing too extreme but curdy milk comes up in her mouth. I can't help but think she might do better on formula? Perhaps this is not true, but I am thinking if formula is thicker in might sit in her stomach better? I don't think she has a milk allergy, no bloody stools. I haven't eaten anything too gassy. This has been going on since she was 3 weeks old. Don't get me wrong we do have our good days occasionally, that's usually when I can spend the time holding her all afternoon, but I have a 2 1/2 year old and it's not always possible. Today was a bad day, I found myself in tears several times.So anyhow, here are some of things I am thinking of trying, please tell me your advice.1: try pumping and feed her the milk in a Dr. Brown's bottle (in hopes to reduce air intake)2: try some formula3. try mylicon or gripe water at every feeding4. stop eating dairy even though like I said she hasn't had any bloody stool.WWYD??? 
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