
Dental concerns

At our nine month appointment, I told my pedi that DD still nurses at night about 1-2 times per night. He said that I should stop because DD will get cavities. I emphasized that I breastfeed her not bottle fed her, but he said it didn't matter. It didn't seem right to me, so I did some research online and in my le leche book and just about everything says that breastfeeding at night does not contribute to cavities. However, now a month later, I notice that DD seems to have some darkening in her teeth between her two bottom front teeth. I have no idea if it is tooth decay or staining or just the way the light hits them, but now I feel really guilty about still nursing her at night. She takes a multivitamin with iron (rec by her pedi) in a dropper that is really dark, so maybe that is causing staining??  I tried calling a dentist office to make an appointment, and they said that they didn't see babies until year 2, which is weird because I also read that you should see a dentist before the baby turns one. I tried calling another office near me, and they are out for the memorial day holiday still. I guess I just want some opinions on night nursing and what can I do to minimize tooth decay to ease my mind until I can get in to see a dentist. I nurse her to sleep, 1-2 times a night, and for naps everyday, and I read that you should wipe their teeth if they nurse then sleep. I think this will just disturb DD and then I have a crying baby!! I don't believe in cry it out, and she is a crib sleeper. I don't mind the night nursing because I stay home and can function on interrupted sleep pretty well, and she is only 3rd percentile for weight, so I feel bad about not feeding her. However, I don't want her to have damaged teeth! She only has two so far! Help!
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