
High Cholesterol while breastfeeding???

So I went to the doctor earlier this month and they checked my cholesterol. My test came back showing I had high cholesterol at 250 normal is below 200. I don't have a bad diet, never have. I did some research and saw some info about women having higher cholesterol during 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Then it remains high while you breastfeed.

I've been breastfeeding DS for 7 months now, he stopped drinking from bottles at 7 weeks. We're training him on a cup, but he's not a pro at 7 months. My doc recommends  I stop breastfeeding but I can't just stop cold turkey because DS doesn't take formula and like I said won't drink from a bottle. Any advice? Anyone else have this issue? I would still really like to breastfeed for 5 more months. I'm not sure what to do, but the doctor wasn't very helpful.

ethan9 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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