
Was feeling ok; today I feel terrible

I'm 9 days post c/s. My pain level is fine. I haven't had to take the Percocet since sat. I am BFing, still taking my vitamins, and Advil as needed. DS is only waking every 3/4 hours at night so I am getting some rest. This morning I was extremely crampy and lightheaded. I did call my dr and they said I need to make sure I'm eating and drinking enough water. The nurse said it was most likely hormones balancing out. I was just at the dr yesterday and she said my incision looked great. 

Anyone else experience anything similar? Advice on what to do?  

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
BFP #1 12.5.07 DD born 8.6.08
BFP #2 6.18.11 M/C 6.26.11 @ 4w 5d
BFP #3 9.15.11 DS born 5.21.12
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