
How long does it take for irritants (alcohol, caffeine, dairy) to get out of your BM?

I buy that alcohol is out of your BM as fast as it is out of your system, which can be fast for a drink or two.

But, what about caffeine, dairy or other irritants?

I read something on kellymom yesterday re: caffeine and it said to drink after you feed so it won't affect the baby.  But, caffeine stays in my system for hours (at least it feels like it does, especially if I have some in the evening). Have you found that to be true for you?

Also, a friend mentioned pumping and dumping when she had dairy and her DD was intolerant.  Has anyone ever found anything that says how fast dairy shows up in your BM after consumption and how long it stays around?  When I make a mistake (which I seem to do a lot of lately) it seems like he's affected within a feed or two and then it lasts about 24 hours or at least the gassy part of it does.  What have you found?

DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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