
growth spurt? please help!

I have been nursing my 3 week old son for nearly 12 hours off and on now. I haven't left the couch for more than15 minutes at a time until my husband came home from work to take him off my hands for a while. Every time he stops nursing he screams and starts rooting and searching for the boob. He will sometimes fall asleep while nursing, but wake up about 5 minutes later again screaming and rooting. This all just started today. Last night he slept from 11-4:30, and then was up again starting at 6:30 and then 9:00. After 9:00 he has been attached to me all day. I want to scream and did have a bit of a breakdown once my husband came home from work. I am attributing this to a 3 week growth spurt, but I feel like I haven't heard of other people who are literally almost nursing for 12 hours straight. Someone please tell me this ends soon!! If he doesn't sleep tonight I may go insane.
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