
biting- ready to throw in the towel. Please help!

LO is 8 months. Since his top and bottom teeth have come in we have struggled with biting. Every time he bites I take him off the breast and give him a break telling him "no biting" (I know he doesn't necessarily understand, its more for me to stay calm) Well, tonight he bit me so hard my nip was literally bleeding with teeth marks in it. I yelled "ow" so loud I scared him and he spent a couple minutes crying before I could calm him down. My nip still hurts 30 min later. I don't know what else to do. I'm ready to give up and use my freezer stash and hope it lasts 3 - 4 months (I think it will) The problem is the little bugger is so attached to nursing I think stopping cold turkey now would upset him and I know he's attached to the boob for comfort as well as food. But, I don't want to keep getting bit and its not a pleasant experience anymore. Does anyone have any other suggestions for getting him to stop?


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