
How to stop supplementing with formula?

I have really struggled with breastfeeding for the last 8.5 weeks, but with the help of a cranial sacral therapist for my baby and domperidone for me (plus herbal supplements) and after doing a very busy schedule of nursing, pumping and supplementing with formula, I am starting to see some progress. 

I am back to work now and pump 3 times during my work day (and he eats 3 times while I am gone).  I was getting between 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce a couple of weeks ago and now I am getting at least 2 ounces, and sometimes as much as 3 ounces per pumping session. 

He typically is eating 6 times a day - and I nurse 3 of those times and he gets bottles the other 3 times.  He gets 4 ounces in his bottle, and takes that even if I have nursed him.  So, he is getting 24 ounces (combo of BM and formula), and then whatever he is getting from nursing 3 times.  He is 2 months old.

 I would love to stop supplementing with formula, and I am hoping that my supply continues to increase to allow this to happen.  Anyone been in a similar situation?  How did you stop supplementing with formula? 


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