
What do I do with the milk I pump to maintain supply?!

Just got back from the pedi and had a brief chat with one of the LCs there.  Connor is about 10% down form his birth weight but now that my milk has come in, they are expecting a turn around.  I told the LC that Connor usually will fed for about 10-15 minutes then fall asleep and will be completely uninterested in taking the other breast.  She suggested that I then pump the other breast to keep up my supply.  She said pump for 15 minutes...this is giving me around 1 oz.  I guess my first question is, is this a good amount?  My second is...what I do with the expressed milk if I am not using the bottle yet?  I could freeze it to start building my freezer supply but I feel like it might be to early for that.
Me-27 DH-29
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