
Hard to exercise with full boobs! Anyone else???

I need help!

I really need to get out and exercise...I am healthy and all but  it would help me feel better and have more energy!

 I think the morning would be the best time but I don't know what to do about running and walking with two breasts full of milk!

We always let our little 7 month angel wake up on her own typically between 6:30 am and 7:15 am.  I then breastfeed her and pump after.

I don' really want to give up nursing her in the morning yet because she loves it and I will be doing that soon enough...Does anyone have experience with this???  Thanks!


BFP10/31/10~No HB detected 12/16/10 Natural M/C
BFP 02/06/11~PLEASE stick!!!
Baby Girl born on 10-11-11!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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