
Best tips for establishing successful breastfeeding/supply?

I'm pregnant with my 3rd child (first 2 are twins) and would really like to successfully breastfeed this time. With my twins, I was asked to supplement with formula in the hospital due to loss of 9 oz in one baby and not knowing any better, I did so and thus began a vicious cycle of nursing both babies, then pumping and then supplementing both babies with formula. I never established a good supply, one baby had a poor latch and I was just not able to keep up with this cycle after one month. I never pumped more than 1 oz total per pumping session. 

 This time, I'm having a singleton and really want to breastfeed. So, what are you best tips for someone who failed the first time around and wants to ensure success this time?  I'm nervous about supply and also about what to do with my 3 years olds, while trying to spend almost all of the early days nursing the new baby.

M/C #1 - BFP-1/16/08 Dx Blighted Ovum-2/4/08 D&C-2/8/08 @ 7 weeks M/C #2 - BFP-3/31/08 Early M/C-4/10/08 @ 5 weeks M/C #3 - BFP-6/31/08 Early M/C-7/13/08 @ 5.5 weeks Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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