1st Trimester

Well that was interesting...

So I went to the ER this morning because I had some bright red spotting. I didn't have any cramping, a couple twinges, but I called the advice nurse (my husband is in the army so we go on base for medical care) and they told me to go to the ER. After 6 hours, a pelvic exam, and a u/s later I found out that I'm measuring at 8 weeks and 1 day (a week further along than I thought), the baby had a healthy heartbeat, and I also had another gestational sack that seemed to be empty. The DR said it wasn't really an issue but definitely something to follow up with my OB about. I'm so happy everything is ok but has anyone else had a empty second gestational sack? Does that mean at one point I was having twins? I'm more curious than worried.
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