1st Trimester

For those of you with Hyperemesis...

I was diagnosed with HG early in my first tri, and had everything from frequent hospitalizations for dehydration, to home IV therapy, to a reglan pump - I felt very alone with what I was dealing with, and wanted to share this site that I found for women with HG - www.helpher.org, it is basically a support site with medical information and a community of women dealing with the same.

On this site, I became aware of a study that is being done by USC to find a cure for HG, and decided to become a study participant (basically spitting into a container they send you and mailing it back). DH and I would like to have more children, but as heartbreaking as it is, we have decided not to due to how sick I was - so we're hoping for a cure.

If you're interested in the study, here is the link: http://www.helpher.org/HER-Research/2007-Genetics/index.php

Even if you don't have HG, they are looking for non-HG control women for the study, so it's worth it to contact Marlena either way.

I hope this helps a few of you feel a little more connected while suffering from HG, because you're not alone!

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