
the raw garlic for mastitis worked!

The other day I posted if anyone had successfully treated their mastitis w/raw garlic. I read on a couple of different places that it had worked for some moms so I decided to try it. 

On Friday, I had one sore spot but didn't think it was mastitis since I hadn't been engorged. Friday night I had a fever, chills and felt really sick when I woke up and I knew it was mastitis. My breast also felt a lot more sore and I had a red streak.

I called my ob/gyn right away and picked up antibiotics. I decided to try the garlic for 12 hours and if I didn't feel better then I would start taking the antibiotics. I took 7 pieces of raw garlic that day (3 after breakfast and then 2 after each meal). I cut each garlic into 4 pieces and just swallowed them w/OJ  (I read vitamin C + raw garlic is effective). I also took tylenol twice on Saturday.

By Saturday night I was feeling better. On Sunday, my breast was a lot less sore and as of today, I feel 100%. I am still taking 3 cloves of garlic everyday w/orange juice. 

I had mastitis 3x with DD#1 and took antibiotics each time but I am so glad I didn't have to this time around. I was also worried about getting thrush if I took the antibiotics even w/taking probiotics.

Just wanted to share my experience and if you happen to catch mastitis in the early stages, raw garlic and OJ might work for you. But I would definitely also have antibiotics on hand in case it doesn't.

BTW, my breath was pretty garlicky for a couple of days but I think it was totally worth it! Lots of tooth brushing and gum helped. =)

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