Single Parents

Not sure if I belong here?

A little back story....H and I have been separated since the end of January. He slapped our 6 year old son across the face, left a mark, and was arrested for child abuse. Besides our 6 year old, DS2 is 5 and DD is almost 6 weeks. We went to court in March and he was ordered to take anger management and a psych eval (I'm pretty sure he's bipolar). Well, he hasn't done either since he doesn't have a job and can't afford classes and we go back to court on Thursday. He hasn't had a job since he was discharged from the military over a year ago (except for the month of April, but he got fired after a few weeks) and I'm so frustrated. We've been married almost 9 years, and I'm still in shock. He was diagnosed with PTSD while in the military, but that's not an excuse for his actions. He constantly complains about how hard that HE has it, and it's not fair. I've always thought that we would be together, but not I'm starting to think otherwise.

 I've lurked here for a couple of months, and all of you ladies seem so supportive and wonderful! 

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