
Ladies who have had breast reduction surgery.

I had breast reduction surgery 5 years ago... I am a FTM and have found breastfeeding to be basically impossible. I've worked with two LC's and my nipple placement and flatness have made it virtually impossible to obtain a latch. So my next best idea was to pump. It took 5 days for anything to even come in. I pump every two hours and only a few drops come out.

I am at my wits end... Pumping is time consuming and my nipples hurt to high he-double hockey sticks. I break down and cry every time I think about it. I never knew how much I wanted to do something till I couldn't breastfeed. I am so torn between stopping and to keep trying. I don't see the point if all I am going to do is push out a few drops each time. I pump for 30-40 min total and get less than 20ml and some times I do not get anything at all.

Have any ladies had breast reduction and experienced this? Did your milk eventually come in or am I a lost cause? I have never regretted getting my surgery till this moment and it is making me absolutely sick. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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