1st Trimester

first time...

Hey! So.. this is my first time, both on the site and, while not confirmed (yet), 98% sure Im pregnant, with a couple questions...

While I havent taken a test just yet, Im still almost positive that I am. About a year and a half ago, I had gotten pregnant (but lossed it at about 8 weeks, on the bright side it got me thinking seriously and left the deadbeat that I realized I did NOT want to have a connection with for the rest of my life)
Now, Im engaged to the most amazing guy to ever come into my life, and both of us are crazy excited about having kids in the future.

My 95% sure-ness comes from the fact that my body is acting the EXACT same as it did the last time, and even then I was almost positive I was before I took the test. And in spite of being sure that I am, I do know there is the possibility that Im not, but I figure its better to play it safe.

We werent planning on trying until after we get married next spring, so all my good intentions (planning on starting the vitamins a few months before, etc) kinda went out the window..

So I guess Im just looking for some opinions... since we both did some impulse shopping this week, I wont be able to pick up a test for another week or so; and Im torn - I was about a week late about 6 months ago, I told him right away, and he was SO excited at the possibility, and so dissappointed when it turned out I wasnt. And I dont know if I should tell him that I think I am now, or wait a week or so until I can take a test. On one hand, I'd hate to see him go through that disappointment on the off chance that Im not pregnant, and on the other hand, if I am, I need to make significant chances ASAP (which he may wonder why Im doing so suddenly) and I know he'd want to be there for when I take the test to see for sure.

So long story short, and finally the point to this ramble- what do you guys think?

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