Single Parents

Officially moving out tomorrow- need encouragement and support!

Over the weekend I found out my H has been seeing other women while he works out of state. It was really just the icing on the cake to the million other problems we have been dealing with, especially the way he treats me (like sh!t) and how he leaves me with ZERO dollars ALL THE TIME. I tried to talk to him about us separating but he got really angry and threatened to take LO (8 months) and leave the country and all this other crazy stuff- he also said I couldn't take anything of hers because "he" paid for it. So he left for a week of work this morning, and in the morning I am picking up the uhaul and getting my butt out of here, my mom flew in to help. I know what I am doing is right, but I am so afraid of the bumpy road ahead. I could really use some encouragement and support from anyone.
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