1st Trimester

SO worried and anxious about tomorrow...

apologies for the novel (i even kinda annoyed myself with that)...

Today I am 10w4d, and tomorrow we have our second prenatal appointment. According to the nurse that made the appointment, we are going to go over our family history with the doctor and also have a basic pelvic/vaginal exam.

At 6w3d, I had our second ultrasound due to some very light spotting after sex, but thankfully everything was fine. I even got to see the little heartbeat. However, there are a few things in the past few weeks that have made me uneasy and nervous about whether or not the baby is ok. Here are some of the things I have been worried about:

1. One instance of bright red bleeding after sex. This didn't last more than half an hour at the most and wasn't accompanied by cramps, so my boyfriend convinced me that we should just wait until our next appointment to discuss with the OB.

2. A lack/loss of major symptoms. I have never had any morning sickness or nausea. In addition, I was experiencing tender breasts, but that has subsided substantially in the past week and a half. Also, my hair is usually thin and straight, and it started to get really thick and a little wavy; however, over the past week, my hair has started to fall out in major chunks and has gone back to its pre-pregnancy fullness.

3. I have been having a really hard time avoiding sleeping on my back and stomach, and this has caused me some minor abdominal aches and pains.

4. Lastly, at 4-5wks I went in for blood testing, and we found out that my progesterone was dangerously low, putting me at higher risk for miscarriage. Ever since then, I have been extremely worried and timid even though 

Now I know that my OB doesn't have an ultrasound tech in her office, so I know I won't be able to get one unless she orders it for any reason. However, she does have a good fetal doppler that I am hoping she will use on me upon request. I just want to make sure that the heartbeat is still there, and everything is on track. I am definitely going to bring up all of the issues that have been bothering me, and I am also going to discuss with her the prenatal testing that we should/could have over the next few weeks.

What I am really worried about, though, is that we won't even get to the planned appointment items, and that we will find out the worst. 

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