Babies on the Brain

Almost Newly Weds Need Advice :)

My Hubby to be and I have been together about 6 1/2 years, Our wedding is in September and by then we will be just shy of 7 years! I have had babies on the brain since we got engaged about 2 years ago, is it so wrong to start trying right after the wedding? I have had alot of negative and very little positive from some people about it I have always wanted kids and I am so excited that we are getting close to being able to have a family. We are both employed full time and have lived together for over 3 years, we are renting now but would love to buy a house now that we know around what area we can settle down in based on our jobs. Yes we are young, we will both be 23 by the time we are married which is why  think we get so much negative feedback. I want a family more then anything, we do have concerns with endometriosis so only time will tell but I dont want to wait. Any helpful advice would be lovely!

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