1st Trimester

XP: Stretch Marks Questions/Help? (for moms of one or more)

Hi ladies!  I had terrible stretch marks with my son and I want to try to take any preventive steps I can this time around.  The first time around I just thought, well, as far as I can tell it really is just genetics and there's nothing I can do about it anyway so I'll just see how it goes.  Didn't use any kinds of creams or lotions or anything and ended up with terrible marks :(But I still can't find anything out there that I feel like is really a trusted ingredient in lotions or certain brand where I don't feel like I'm just going to be buying into a gimmick.  So thought I'd ask the other moms out there - any recommendations?  Especially anyone who's had more than one pregnancy and saw a difference with one product vs. another (or nothing)?  Are my marks from before that are somewhat faded now going to reappear and look worse?!?!?  And one thing I read was just saying it doesn't matter as much what you use or what ingredient, but just as long as the skin stays super hydrated.... maybe that's the case?Thanks in advance for any tips!! 
***TTCAL March Siggy Challenge: Irish Hottie Dermot Mulroney***photo dermot-mulroney_zps608710c2.jpg

Me (39), DH (39), married 10/07, DS born 2/13/10 TTC #2 since 12/11
BFP #1 2/5/12, c/p 2/10/12
BFP #2 5/4/12, m m/c 6/17/12
BFP #3 10/5/12, m/c 10/10/12
BFP #4 11/5/12; D & C 12/13/12
Low AMH, heterozygous MTHFR; small area of uterine calcifications, possible uterine adenomyosis
Photobucket Photobucket
***All always welcome!!***

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