
Can you overfeed a newborn?

My 11 day old newborn wants to feed all the time (barring when she is sleeping).  She literally would feed every 1.5 hours! 

When she is done, she squirms around a bit after like she has gas.  I hope that I am not overfeeding her, and/or creating an oversupply for me.

 She is likely close to her birthweight (I go to pedi tomorrow) and I have been feeding on demand.  But demand is high!  I just want to make sure I shouldn't limit the feedings.  Sometimes I think she is comfort nursing, but she won't take a pacifier, just the nipple.

Also, how efficient should a newborn of this age be when feeding?  Sometimes both breasts take 45 minutes, other times over an hour, other times only 30 minutes.  I am just unsure of what she is getting, how much, etc.

Thanks for any help on this!

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