Single Parents

3 days overdue and emotionally crushed..

While me and the BF are not married nor engaged, and our situation wasn't planned for, we were making the best of it and are currently living together.

I know all people have a past. He has an exwife with whom he has 2 children and only 1 other serious ex gf, who he dated for 2 years.

 Today we went out with a group of friends, had a really great time. Came back home, he was pretty liquored up, so I'll admit, I took advantage of his liquid honesty. Becuase at times, he can be pretty private with his emotions and feelings. But regardless-- the talk was good. But there's just been that feeling, I couldn't shake, like something was missing...something he wasnt saying.

And Im sure most of you will scold me for this, but my human nature got the best of me, and for the first time ever, I looked through his phone. I didnt look at every message that every girl had ever written him, that wasn't my concern. It was his ex gf of 2 years..

 An there it was....for the past year we had been together, he was still talking to her, sleeping with her, going out to eat with her, taking her out with his kids, saying he loved her, saying he missed her, buying her things. The most embrassing part for me to read? Was she made a comment "What about C", his response completly disregarded me, and just said he wanted to see her and be with her.

 Our baby is 3 days overdue. And now, I'm a mess. I hate myself for looking, bc I don't want to remember when our daughter was born, I found out daddy was a douche. But this isn't something that I can let go.... or should I?  She'll be here any day. And yes, this past month. they have finally stopped seeing each other...why? Bc SHE now has a boyfriend that shes loyal to.

Do I ask him to confess? What good will come from this right now. We just started living together( which is also prob why things ended), But I just couldn't think of worse timing. Just confused and heartbroken.

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