
when do you start pumping?

I just had my first baby 2 days ago and apologize if this is a stupid question but I'm very curious since at the hospital, one LC told us to start pumping right away and the other (the better one in my opinion) showed us how to spoon fed gave us tons of advice while telling us to stay away from the pump.  

Now at home, we are having latching issues due to my flat nipples, LO's tongue tie and both of our inexperience.  I am using a nipple guard and he seems enough even though he isn't there for much time but I would like to know if I should be breaking out the pump soon or continue to trudge through using the techniques and the guard.  (When LO latches with the guard, he is only on the nipple for 5 minutes at a time.  Is that even enough?!)

Me-27 DH-29
Plan on TTC #2 as soon as 1st PPP arrives... Come on AF, I've never wanted you more!
Shouts to May2012 LB blueberries! Dear TTC gods, let us be LBs again!
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