

in spite of the raised eyebrows i have been receiving from people around me for continuing to nurse my 15mo dd, i am continuing to nurse with great pride.  i struggled with her dc providers to keep her on BM instead of WCM recently.  I know at school they call WCM 'milk' and that's 'milk' to the kids.  well the other morning i was giving dd breakfast, cheerios, banana, and a little WCM (i give her a little bit, but not in lieu of BM, like at meals she'll have a few sips of DH's, or i put a little in her cereal in the morning).  after she was done i let her drink the milk from the bowl. 

she paused for a second, and i said "want more milk?" and what did she do?  she lurched out of her chair and pulled down my top :) I was SO PROUD!!

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