
Sick Mom, Sick Baby= Sore

DS is six weeks old, and I've been dealing with sore nipples and breast tenderness for most of this time.  I met with lactation consultant and OB last week and finally started feeling a little better for a few days. Then... I got a nasty cold this week.  I think my milk supply dropped some, and I felt like DS was sucking harder to get more out, which caused my nipples to get sore and chapped again.  Then DS caught my cold.  The poor little man nursed around the clock last night, as it seemed to offer him comfort and helped him fall asleep.  The constant nursing has only exacerbated my pain, however. 

I feel like I'm taking 2 steps forward and 2 steps back.  The lactation consultant said DS had a good latch and I was beginning to feel better about BFing.  Now I'm in pain again and I'm dreading nursing because of that.  I'm pumping and giving bottles some to give my nipples a rest, but I want to nurse to comfort DS while he is sick.  I just wish this was easier!!!

Sorry for my rant, guess I just needed to hear someone say it gets easier. 

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