
donate my pumped BM? dairy intolerance

I have 80oz of pumped BM that I will likely not be using. DD seems to be dairy intolerant- I've been dairy free for two weeks and her symptoms have greatly improved (was having projectile vomiting, horrible gas, fussy, rashes)

I would love to help someone in need but for some reason I feel like I can't give the milk away, even though I know I will probably never use it. I think there are three possibilities holding me back 1. What if She really isn't dairy intolerant and just outgrew those symptoms coincidently when I went dairy free (not likely I know) 2. my supply will decrease when I go back to work next month or due to me just starting the mini-pill (but would I really give her the milk if it makes her sick? Would it be worth it to still give her BM?) 3. She outgrows the dairy intolerance when my milk is still within the timeframe okay to be in the freezer.

 Okay.. so help me! Should I donate it and help another baby/momma? Should I wait until my body adjusts to the mini-pill and going back to work to be sure my supply is okay? But then again, even if my supply drops would I really give her the BM with dairy? What if she isn't really dairy intolerant? 

OMG!! You can see I'm stressed and over analyzing the situation, soooooo what would YOU do??

 Thank you!  

<3 Delaney. 4.5.12. <3 <br> Photobucket
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