
XP: BF twins on a schedule

I'm all for feeding on demand, but I've basically had the boys on a schedule since day 1, to try and keep my sanity. Right now I have them eating every 2 hours (occasionally 3) during the day. If one gets hungry sooner, then I feed both, even if I have to wake one up. At night I let them sleep until someone wakes up, anywhere from 4-6 hours, then both get up to eat.

Overall this seems to be working well for us, but it is exhausting during the day. It takes me an hour at least to feed them, then I turn around and do it again an hour later. I barely leave the house! But I'm afraid if they don't eat as much during the day they will be up all night, and I'd much rather have a little sleep here and there.

So I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any tips/critiques of my schedule. Also, at what point do you think they might become more willing to stretch out to 3 hours during the day, without it affecting sleep at night? Would love to be able to get out of the house from time to time!

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